Parametric Design
2011 0426 JuliaSet
Index : 2011 0217 Modulating Curves on Surface

This is an attempt to create a hexagon pattern on a trimmed surface via Kangaroo. It looks like it was pretty successful when applying physics to layout the hexagon pattern. Maybe a further step should be advanced to dynamically add/remove the particles during the simulation process... 
I have previously seen an similar pattern done with processing from a student and remember vaguely how it can done in Grasshopper with Kangaroo. This is an experiment with the same idea. Sorry for the references, I cannot remember where did I first see these examples. Just try to mimic this pattern by myself here. I think this pattern can be easily applied onto a surface domain. Maybe I should try to apply this to one surface after today's class.

Index : 2011 0203 Viscous Pattern by Kangarro
This is an exercise done last year. An attractor was used to create a trimmed pattern on a surface, coupled with an extrusion tube toward the attractor.

Index: 2010 0119 Surface Attractor

This is an attempt the change the subdivision grid on a given surface domain by introducing a single, or multiple, attractor(s).

Index : 2011 0201 AttractionGridOnSurface

Try to create Mesh by using attractor in Grasshopper, starting from a HexGrid.

This is the first attempt to find the equilibrium of all nodes (particles) bounded in a given volume. Edges between nodes are colored by their length (same color -> equal distance).

Index: 2011 0128 Force Balancing
Another interwoven pattern using GH components only.
Index: 2011 0121 interwoven Pattern - extended
This movie demonstrate the change driven by a attractor point.
Index: 2011 0126 traerPhyics - AttractionGrid