Parametric Design
Try to create Mesh by using attractor in Grasshopper, starting from a HexGrid.

This is the first attempt to find the equilibrium of all nodes (particles) bounded in a given volume. Edges between nodes are colored by their length (same color -> equal distance).

Index: 2011 0128 Force Balancing
Another interwoven pattern using GH components only.
Index: 2011 0121 interwoven Pattern - extended
This movie demonstrate the change driven by a attractor point.
Index: 2011 0126 traerPhyics - AttractionGrid
This is a first attempt to use Kangaroo Physics in Grasshopper. The video shows how balls were dropping on the floor and bounced back in Rhino.

Index : 2011 0126 Gravity physics test
A simple test using graph to control the box generation on a rectangular grid.

Index : 2011 0125 List & Functoin Manipulation
These are Archimedean patterns I have tried last year (2010). Except the most regular Rectangular pattern (4.4 Square Tiling). The rest 11 patterns are shown here.

Index : 2010 0728 ArchimedianTiling